Friday, March 30, 2012

Finally the doggie door has arrived and was installed!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Our most favorite time of the day is late afternoon bc this is when SusieQ actually enjoys him...

Ike only got up twice last night......finally someone that can wear him out!!!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Ike's Jones grandparents are here visiting so he is really enjoying his Uncle Gus who gives him a run for his money!!! Susie is really enjoying that  : )

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Yes I can swim!

Today was his second visit to the Doctor. Ike didn't even know he got any shots! He is very good there, probably bc I make his appointments in the morning when he is sleepy. The Doctor and his staff just love him!  Susie is not happy. She doesn't understand why he got to leave and she didn't, so I think we all will go to the beach to make up for it!                             

Monday, March 19, 2012

Whew, we had an adventure filled first full week.  I am trying to make sure Ike is more socialized than his sweet sister so we keep him out and about! He went on a few family adventures in our woods and to an old Civil War battlegrounds park.  He rides very well in the car, we are working on having him sit in the seat by himself but he prefers to sit in my lap.

 He also went to Fort Rucker, where he really enjoyed the old building's cold floor! It's pretty funny how calm he is in public, the people that met him this week thought he was just so mild mannered and chilled! HA! Of course the second we got home he went haywire! But at least that means he knows what home is already.  He also really enjoyed planting plants with us. He loves to help mommie sweep too! But the highlight of the week was meeting his Boaz grandparents!

Oh yes, after 8 nights of me sleeping in the living room with him we tried the bathroom with a baby gate. This seems to be working well. I can see him from the bed. I still have to get up a few times a night for him to go potty but he has his food and toys in there and settles down fairly well. Susie was thrilled to have her night time bed situation back! This next week he has his 2nd puppy shots appointment on Wednesday. I will update his weight chart then. I don't see him gaining much but he has gotten taller.  He also will be meeting his Grandma BJ on her spring break!  At this point, Susie is beginning to tolerate him. She even plays with him every once in a while. He just loves her of course!  We are still working on no biting.....

Monday, March 12, 2012

After it finally quit raining, Susie was ready to do one of her favorite things. She loves walking through the woods and hearing the leaves crinkle under her feet. Ike thought this was fantastic. He followed her for a very long time! She goes on her own adventures and comes back like 10-20 minutes later but I figured I had better follow since she had the baby in tow.  When she would go too far he would turn around and come to me. But he just loved it.  I have to go back to work tomorrow.  I am sad.  I do not know how new moms leave their infants at home : )

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Ike slept 7 hours on/off last night, hooray! So to celebrate we took the kiddos to the beach.  It was windy and after playing for about 15 minutes he was fast asleep.  They are just too cute when they are side by side running in the sand!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

You never have the camera ready when you need it. Shane was cooking breakfast and wearing gym shorts. Ike came up behind him and started chewing on the end at the knee and pulled them down!  Susie Q likes to take his toys right out of his mouth. She has done well with him today other than that. They are so cute walking side by side bc they seem like they are the same size although she weighs 15 more lbs than him. He is a bit taller and his poof makes him seem bigger.  He is already used to everything here. His bad habits include toe biting when you aren't expecting it and whining and digging. All 3 of course are cute right now but won't be very soon!
Shane has named him Ike bc of his poof!  His first full day was very eventful. He had an excellent checkup at the vet. They just adored him and loved all over him.  We played outside in the rain.  Shane needed a computer, so to save him time the 3 of us drove it to him. He chose to sit in my lap, obviously this will only last like another week or so.  We went to a dog park, but due to the weather we were the only ones there. He likes to put on his collar so that he can eat his leash, not walk on it. Night 2 we actually got around 5 sporatic hours of sleep. We are looking forward to today bc the sun is out and the entire family will be home. Still using the bathroom either outside or on the patio, yay! I think he thinks he sees his litter mates when he looks in the mirror. Ike keeps going and looking. There is nothing cuter than him hopping while playing with a tennis ball.  3 times during the night he came up and plopped down on my face.  So far he is the most chilled puppy I have ever been around.  Hoping having us all together will help Susie to be more interested in him.

Friday, March 9, 2012

His first few hours home have been filled with some cute moments. He can't quite figure out why we have a screened in patio and why there is only one way into the yard from it. It's funny watching him headbutt the screen. He figured out where his food bowl is within 5 minutes, it took Susie almost a week when we moved in! He already understands he is supposed to go to the bathroom outside. He whines alot and follows me around.  Shane and Susie went to bed when we got home because he has to get up for work at 4....ha thats about now!  So we have spent time getting to know each other and even slept on the rug together from 1-3.  He wants to chew everything from the seatbelt on the way home to the throw rug to the azaela bushes. He is currently chewing the computer cords under this desk...don't tell his dad! He does seem to know the word no though. He really has the sweetest face and his front paws are adorable....and big.  He is clumsy and just plain cute. The next few days will consist of his vet checkup and reinforcing potty, no biting, and doing whatever it takes to make his sister love him.  At this point she has only tried to let him know who is boss, which she is and always will be! They are about the same height, he is just a tad taller. I cannot wait to watch them learn each other and become best buddies! I have a pic from the airport but can't figure out how to attach it right side up.  Hopefully my fellow bloggers will come to my rescue so I can post soon.  He was so scared when we tried to coax him out of his crate but within 2 minutes of putting him on grass he warmed up to us and was playing with a leaf and even iphone facetimed with his auntie!   Expect more random pics in the days to come with little posts such as this with our progress and examples of the memories we are making. Please excuse any grammar issues, new mothers dont get much sleep!  Now off to wake up daddy!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Well today is the day!!!! The anticipation, the excitement, the nervousness.....whew!!!!!!  I wonder how much the flight will affect the little guy? Susie is really in her element at the new house and she is ready to have a little baby to take care of!
On his 9 week birthday on Tuesday he was 31 lbs 7 ozs. The breeder grooms them before they leave for their forever home and takes their pictures.
9 weeks

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Finally his 8 week pic! He is outside playing in the rain and mud, apparently he loves it!

He will get groomed and get on the plane this Thursday. We pick him up at the Pensacola Airport at 9:14 p.m.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Blue Boy had his 1st vet check on his 8 week birthday this past Tuesday. His breeder had another litter of puppies the day before and did not post his 8 week old photo. She did let me know he was 26 lbs 2 ozs that day.  She promised me at least a candid pic today and then one again after he is groomed next week before he comes home to us! This is Susie Q's last weekend as an only child. She is finally getting use to the new house and we know she will enjoy the yard with her baby brother. We are thrilled to have this new home ready for our new addition!